Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Heinrich Manuever

Pulling out some deconstruction proved to be a harder task than I thought it would be. I was planning on deconstructing the new piano player that just joined our band, but after further contemplation, I decided that I did not want our band losing two people that day, the piano player and myself included. So, as any fun-loving son would do, I attempted to deconstruct my father. He said something to the extent of, "What time is it," whereupon I began by asking, "What is time?" He said something along the lines of time being a measure of something and was already raising his voice a little. I asked, "Well then what is something?" He began to storm farther into the kitchen shouting, "The something is what is being measured." "Well something does not adequately describe anything," I said, "So what your really saying is that time is meaningless. Why does it matter that you measure whatever you are measuring?" He was at that point a "tad" annoyed and said, "YOU KNOW WHAT! THE MEASUREMENT OF TIME IS WHAT I AM USING TO KNOW WHAT I AM DOING AND.......I KNOW IT'S SUBJECTIVE, but, I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" or something like that. I then thanked him for helping me with my blogging assignment and we talked a bit about deconstruction. Basically we came to the conclusion that it could make an individual very cynical and unhappy. My dad also laughed and we ended up getting along for the rest of the day, which I am thankful for.

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