Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On The Outskirts of The Ant Colony

Every second Tuesday of the month our worship team at Westside Christian Fellowship has the opportunity to lead worship at the Union Gospel Mission in Seattle near the newer library. The place has a way of jolting you out of your normal daily routine. Sometimes, I think it even helps me break out of the autonomous state of existence that I fall into; walking past potentially hurting, lost, and lonely souls that may find healing in a kind confrontation. This last Tuesday that I went to the mission wasn't as eventful as some, but I at least had a run in with a guy who wanted some money for the bus. Thinking I had a one dollar bill in my wallet, I reached in but found only a ten. I was hesitant at first and I think I even looked up at the guy nervously. "He's probably just going to go blow it all on drugs or alcohol," I thought. I don't ever want to enable people to bring harm on themselves or others, but in this case I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was very thankful, giving me a, "Chya! Thanks man!" He turned and walked away. As he went, I wish I would asked him about his story. Why he was down at the mission and such. Like KC was saying, all these homeless people have a story. And in just listening to them, sometimes you get the opportunity to provide hope and comfort. Whether that be through meeting a physical or spiritual need. The next time I go to the mission I hope I can have a more in depth confrontation with a soul that just need somebody to listenj.

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